One of our Partnership Projects:
The Missions of Victory For Veterans Foundation and Team Veteran Foundation are to serve Veterans in need; beginning with saving lives! …
During the month of NOVEMBER 2017, our miles count to fight against suicide! This month is selected for a new kind of awareness campaign that can save some of our fellow truck drivers & Veterans. Join us and be counted with fellow drivers & companies shown below.
Veterans drive truck. Veterans served our nation and sacrificed, some gave their all. Some citizens couldn’t serve. Some chose not to serve. 22+ Veterans a day are making that tough decision and putting an end to their misery. Help us, in our partnership with Victory For Veterans and Team Veteran Foundation to raise awareness and lower the #’s of those dying by suicide.
Help raise money while you do what you love to do or get paid to do – drive truck! Join other truck drivers and trucking companies and DRIVE for 22
We DRIVE for the 22+ daily, who end their life, to raise funds to ELIMINATE the Veteran Suicide Epidemic!
Learn more through these information flyers:
For the Driver: DRIVE22-flyer-DriverInstructions
For the Driver to give to potential Sponsors: DRIVE22-flyer-DriverToGiveToPotentialSponsors
For the Sponsor: DRIVE22-flyer-SponsorFlyer
These Drivers &/or Companies have stepped up to the plate to serve our Veterans by participating with the month-long November Drive22 event: