The First Cost of Freedom is Supporting Our Veterans!™
In addition to awesome services provided to you, whether legal, identity protection or both, CDL Veteran GIVES 50% (one half) of all earnings to the Veteran organization, Team Veteran Foundation.
CDL Veteran is supporting Team Veteran Foundation, Inc. (TVF) which is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization, Federal Identification Number 46-1017104, under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. | |
Working in partnership with Team Veteran & Team Veteran Foundation, CDLveteran serves Veterans in need and has programs for
- health, and wellness programs to help heal traumatic brain injury (TBI), so many Veterans have been misdiagnosed with PTS versus a TBI.
- business ownership,
- networking activities and support groups.
When you purchase a plan, any plan, 50% of the earned commissions goes to this unique organization!